
Get Back in Rehab Lindsay!

Lindsay Lohan was arrested in Santa Monica, Calif., early Tuesday morning on suspicion of drunken driving after a brief car chase stated PEOPLE Magazine. When police uncovered Lohan a small amount of cocaine with the actress/singer, and although wearing her alcohol-detection ankle bracelet after two breathalyzer tests determined her blood-alcohol level was .12 percent and .13, more than .04 above the legal limit. All of these run-ins with the law for Lohan can't be good for her acting career as proven when it was confirmed that her guest appearance on the Tonight Show was canceled due to this latest stunt. With the release of the new movie I know who Killed Me starring Lohan in the leading role around the corner it wouldn't be surprising if this takes a toll of the outcome of the movies sales. Also to say the least the new movie role Dare to Love Me where Lohan had been reportedly taking tango lessons for the part may also have been jeopardized because of her behaviour. It wont be long now until further details of how much damage Lindsay actually made is reported.

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